Yellowstone 2012
We drove through Yellowstone over 2 days.
We stayed the first night in Billings and entered Yellowstone
through Garden City, Montana.
They have this beautiful arch as you enter
the park at the North entrance.
Day 1
Mammoth Hot Springs was our first stop.
It was even more beautiful than I remembered it as a kid.
Lots of huge Bison near the road.
We were lucky enough to see 2 brown bears,
a mother and a cub.
Tower Fall
Cascade Spring
Lower & Upper Falls
We hiked down to the top of the lower fall.
It is a 300 ft drop off and we were at the top.
It made us think of a Scooby Doo where they try to back paddle.
Kind of eerie, but very breathtaking!
James carried Lucy and alternated carrying an additional
princess back up the hill from the lower waterfall.
I love having a very strong husband!
Lucky girls!
I love my girls!!!
The best 4 little hikers we could ask for!
We drove to another spot and walked so we could
see the lower fall from a distance.
Lower Waterfall
Lucy LOVED all of the animals!
She would scream and point at each one.
We were lucky to see so many animals up close.
Gibbon Falls
(water so wide and beautiful)
Day 2
We stayed in West Yellowstone and
spent the next day at Old Faithful and seeing various geysers.
Love that unforgettable geyser smell....
Throughout our Yellowstone adventure we
offered prizes to the kids for animals they spotted.
Bucks for bears
Milkshake for a moose
Slurpees for sheep
Dimes for Bison
It was fun spotting all sorts of animals.
We had a wonderful visit to Yellowstone.