Thursday, May 27, 2010

Sprained Arm for Abby

Last September, just 1 week into First Grade,
Abby broke her left arm in two places on the school gliders.

Tonight, just 1 week until the end of First Grade,
Abby was at gymnastics, doing a cartwheel on the high
beam, while landing on the ground with both feet.
Somehow she twisted her right wrist wrong.

We spent a couple of hours at both Instacare and
the Sport Medicine doctor tonight.
Abby was happy to leave with only
a sprain and a splint she must wear for the
last week of school.

Way to finish first grade in style Abbers!
Hopefully, second grade will start out
a bit more smoothly!


  1. Wow! I'm glad she is okay! Right before her birthday and all. She's a champ!

  2. A lot happened since I saw you this afternoon! At least she still had a smile on her face!
