We have had a great month.
Here are some of the highlights.
James had a 60 mile bike race in Morgan.
I am so proud of him!
The Stevenson's opened their pool for the year.
We always have fun at their pool & love their waterslide.
They are such great friends and neighbors.
Perfect Spring Day.
We had the Bahr Twins over to play.
Lucy loved having two friends for the day.
We had a big snow storm the week
we got back from Oregon. 12 new inches.
We met with Mr. King, Abby's band teacher for next year.
He will be an amazing teacher.
Abby has decided to do Percussion in 7th Grade band.
He will be an amazing teacher.
Abby has decided to do Percussion in 7th Grade band.
Cousin Alex came over to play.
Lots of fun!
Jason is doing Percussion too! Meant to be… Can we arrange marriages?