Christmas Morning Smiles
Kate was so excited to give her sisters
Frozen necklaces.
Elsa & Anna

My awesome new sign.
Ella's new soccer blanket.
Kate was thrilled to get a Stanford Penant.
Lucy was so excited get a carriage
for her Princesses & pink bubblegum.
Lucy got a new Anna nightgown and
pink Cowboy boots.
James was excited to get this part for his bike.
Abby & Kate were excited to
get blue tooth speakers for their iphones.
Now they can listen to music in the shower.
Lucy was so excited to give us an
ornament that she made and wrapped at Preschool.
After we opened presents the girls headed outside.
We woke up to our first big
snowstorm. The girls were so excited
to go sledding in the front yard.
We packed up the car with gifts and headed
to The Smedleys.
Present time.
Our family on Christmas.
We ended the night at
Grammy & Papa J's.
Kate loves her new sweatshirt.
Ella was excited to get a Malificent barbie.
Pinata Time
Lucy hugging her Great Grandmother Tami.
It was a fun Christmas Day.