Kathryn Lauren Derrick
~10 Years Old~
This beautiful girl is turning 10 today.

10 Years ago when they placed Kate in our arms.
We knew she was someone very special.
Kate has always had beautiful dark hair. She is a happy,
strong, brave girl with a love for life.
In our family....10 years old =getting ears pierced.

Blaine Smith is our wonderful friend and neighbor.
He was scheduled for back surgery on Tuesday,
which meant that Kate got to get her ears pierced
a few days early on August 17.
He did such a great job piercing Kate's ears.
Kate was so brave!
She looks adorable.
Kate & Morgan BFF's
Morgan came along to give Kate support and cheer her on.
We went to Nielsen's to celebrate.
We love you Katers!
We are so glad you are in our family!