3 hours inland from Cancun, is Chichen Itza. It was built in 400 A.D. We rode a comfortable bus with a tour guide, and spent the day learning about the Mayan Culture. It was fascinating!

Rows and rows of columns with the Mayan culture everywhere.

Temple of the priests.

Stories to be told....this of one captain taking the head of another captain.

We were able to ask about some of our LDS beliefs.
The guide pointed out the Tree of Life etched many places.
This tree, close to the largest pyramid, is believed to be the same kind of tree as
The Tree of Life.

The building above was used as an observatory. The Mayans knew a lot about astrology.
In fact, we learned a little about the infamous day in December 2012, when the Mayan Calendar ends. The planets will be lined up, which only happens every 5, 100 years (approx.).

The largest pyramid is breathtaking. Our guide had us clap our hands in front of the large staircase. The echo sounds like the Quetzal bird. The stairs are made out of hard limestone and the rest of the pyramid is made out of soft limestone. It is the hard limestone that amplifies the sound and carries the sound so clearly in all directions.

Snakes are everywhere in the Mayan Culture....a symbol of Jesus Christ.
There are two reasons I love to travel. First, is to relax! Second, is to visit great places in the world. I love History. I am fascinated to learn about people, cultures and this amazing world that we live in. I love to enjoy our world! Our trip to Mexico was a good mix of both. Both relaxing and culturally educational.