2nd Annual Girls Weekend
in Scottsdale, Arizona
Karen, Lori, Ashley, Launi, CeCe, Amanda, Allie and Maggie
J comes from a family of 7 siblings. In 2009, we started our first girls weekend in Utah with all 7 sisters and sisters in law, and J's Mom.
For our Second Annual Girls Weekend, we decided to travel to Arizona, to visit CeCe, my sister in law who moved to Scottsdale about a year and a half ago.
We had a fun 4 days.....pedicures, shopping, movies, hiking, and the Super Bowl.
It was a nice 60 degrees and sunny. Gets me excited for Spring.
J was quite the sport watching all 3 girls and even made it to church with all 3 girls!!!

Looking good...

Mesa Arizona Temple

Pedicure Time
All 8 of us lined up enjoying our pedicures.....
Next Year....February 2011....Portland, Oregon.