Today was our last week at the Barton Creek Ward. We have loved being apart of this great ward!!! When we moved to Bountiful 5 years ago, the very first week at church, Abby took off her shoe and threw it during Sacrament Meeting. It hit Brother Brown in the back of the head! What a way to start off in a new ward. Abby was 2. I was about 7 months pregnant with Kate.
Other fun memories: 4th of July parade, cleaning the church, primary lessons and actives, Both Kate and Ella had their baby blessings in this ward. James served as the Elder's Quorum President in this ward for 3 years. I served as Relief Society 2nd Counselor for 2 years. James and I served together with the Terry's as Young Single Adult leaders for 1 1/2 years.
We have loved the friendships and experiences we have had being in the Barton Creek Ward and will cherish them always!
Other fun memories: 4th of July parade, cleaning the church, primary lessons and actives, Both Kate and Ella had their baby blessings in this ward. James served as the Elder's Quorum President in this ward for 3 years. I served as Relief Society 2nd Counselor for 2 years. James and I served together with the Terry's as Young Single Adult leaders for 1 1/2 years.
We have loved the friendships and experiences we have had being in the Barton Creek Ward and will cherish them always!
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