We have so much to be thankful for at this Thanksgiving time:

We are grateful for her good example.
She is a good listener.
She is very bright, and a great student.
She is an eager learner.
She is a great gymnast.
She is a wonderful dancer.
We are grateful for her obedience.
We appreciate her positive outlook on life.

We love her sense of humor.
We love Kate's laugh.
We love her eye for fashion.
She is a good helper.
She is very clean (she makes her bed everyday without being asked!!!)
She is very understanding.
Kate is very obedient.
She is a great teacher.
She is a great dancer and has good rhythm.

She has a contagious laugh and smile.
She makes us laugh.
She is very independent.
She has a beautiful voice and loves to sing.
She loves to cook and wash dishes...a great helper!
She is a good leader, as well as a patient follower.
She is very kind to animals.
She is genuinely happy!

We are grateful she is healthy and active.
We are grateful to be having a little baby sister!!!
She is already loved so much!
She already gets blankets, kisses and hugs daily!
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