We had a fun long weekend. The kids didn't have school
Friday or Monday,
so we had lots of time to have fun.

We did all of the usual stuff....
Kate wrote a couple of plays,
Lucy took her usual 3 baths a day (love this age),
and we stayed up late and slept in. :)

On Thursday night, we went to see J play basketball.
He still LOVES to play 2-3 times a week.
I love watching him play!!!
On Friday we drove to Provo and spent the day with Aunt Amy.

Lucy tried her first In N Out burger. She loved it!!!
On Saturday, we went to see Beauty and The Beast with Aunt Amanda.
The beast is in our ward, so we were able to get the best seats on the second row.

(Picture beautiful Amanda behind this man who stepped into our picture!!!
Sorry Amanda, the other picture was totally blurry.
We love having Amanda join us on all of our Princess adventures! :)

It was fun to see the Nicoll's there!

Derrick Divas & Baker Bunch
On Saturday night we went bowling and to The Pizza Factory
with the Bakers.
Kate was an amazing bowler getting her first turkey,
3 strikes in a row!!!
We finished our Home Alone series.
This week we watched Home Alone 1, 2 & 3.
The girls had never seen any of them so it was extra fun to watch them together.
On Monday we went to the Auto Expo. This is another one of our favorite traditions.
It is always fun to see all of the cool cars.

I am voting for a convertible!

Kate looked so cute in this tiny scion.
She is ALMOST big enough to see over the wheel!