Sunday, March 11, 2012

Glasses and Rashes

Glasses & Rashes
Abby & Lucy both went to the doctor.
Abby said her new favorite part of her body is her eyes!
"Wow, whoaa!" are Abby's favorite words,
as she can look around and see again!
One left smiling, the other left crying.
One is here to stay, the other we wish would just go away.


  1. Abby looks so cute! Congrats on the glasses!

    So sad for Lucy! Two of my kids had that right after their 1 yr. vaccinations. They were so miserable for like a week. :(

  2. Olivia recently went to the eye doctor and left crying because she DIDN"T need glasses. She wanted some so bad!

    Abby looks so cute in hers!
