Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Family Update

Abby is LOVING 4th Grade.  Her teacher, Mrs. Jones
is just like Mary Poppins.  Abby is so excited to go to school each day.
This week Abby memorized all of the US Presidents in order with her Dad.
She is smart as a whip!
 Kate is loving 1st Grade.  She got to be queen for the day
and celebrate her birthday.  Kate has lots of friends.
She is a quick learner and is an amazing teacher.  She continues to
LOVE little kids and loves helping others.
Kate really enjoys arts.  She is taking an art class with
her friend Rachel.  They will have their first art show in November.

 Ella is my awesome buddy.  Wherever I am, she is.
She LOVES Mrs. Wing's preschool.  Mrs. Wing still calls Ella, Kate
because she thinks the two are so much alike.  Ella thinks it is really funny!
We walk with Abby and Kate to school twice a week,
and walk Ella to her Preschool on the way back up the hill.
We get to play at the park on those days.  
Ella and Lucy look forward to it.
 Ella and Lucy are playing more together.
Since Lucy is growing up,
Ella finds her a lot more interesting.
It is fun to watch these two.
Last week we bought them matching dresses.
I tease them that they are my twins,
Ella goes into details about how they aren't really twins.
It always makes me laugh!
 If I didn't know better,
I would say that Lucy is into being naughty right now.
She seems to know where everything is that she
shouldn't get into....and gets into to.
She find my checkbook, my credit cards, chemicals,
tacks, pins, anything dangerous.  She has 
this sneaky smile about her that 
goes along with her I'm being silly giggle.
Lucy is really into climbing into things
(boxes) and on top of things.
Last week she had a high temperature
for 5 days in a row.  She scared us,
but we are so glad she is feeling better now!

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