Kathryn Lauren Derrick's Baptism
September 28, 2013
Bountiful Heights Stake Center
50th Ward
We have been so excited for Kate's baptism.
She has been preparing and gaining a testimony
of her own for many months. We are so
proud of Kate's decision to become a
member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
Right Before.....
Right After.....
I love Kate's beautiful smile.
She was glowing when she came out of the font.
Our beautiful Kate
We had two cakes made of Kate with
her baptism pictures. I love how they turned out.
Cutting her cake.
We put together a slideshow of Kate.
Kate's Friends
Olivia ~ Kate ~ Rachel ~ Emma ~Lizzy ~ Morgan
(Caroline - not pictured)
Kate asked Aunt Amy &
Mommy Allo to speak at her baptism.
Kate had two great grandmother's at her baptism.
Papa J was a witness and
Grammy said the closing prayer.
Grandpa Roger was a witness and
Grandma Janet said the opening prayer.

Abby, Kate, Ella and Lucy sang
"The Baptism Song"
and I accompanied them. I am so proud
of their sweet singing voices. Abby played
the opening, closing songs and interlude.
I love to hear Abby play the piano.
Ella gave a wonderful talk on baptism,
and Lucy passed out the programs.
Brian, Amanda & Alex
The Lund's
Lori ~ Lisa ~ Catherine ~ Rachelle ~ Kristine
Thank you to all of our friends
and family for coming.
Our family is so blessed to have so many
wonderful friends and family.
Her are Kate's baptism pictures
that we had taken in advance for her
special day.
We love you Kate! We are so happy
that you were baptized today!