We have had a fun September, so far.
Here are a few of our favorites from the month.
We had our Annual Primary Program.
The primary kids did great.
This was Abby's last year. I got to sit next to Kate.
This is my primary class.
Jacob, Quinten, Nathan, Parker
Olivia, Madelynne, Claire, Lizzy, Kate, and Me
Our school had a Back To School Carnival.
It gets bigger every year.
Lucy loved dancing to the loud music.
Kate loved the giant slip n slide.
Canival Games
Melissa, Bekah, Lucy, Ella, Kristen.
Lots of great moms made the night run smooth.
Cotton candy & face painting.
The carnival was lots of fun!
We went to the Ogden Temple Open House.
I loved being in the Celestial Room
with our whole family, all 6 of us.
We were also able to attend the
Ogden Temple Dedication.
Will got baptized & David turned 1.
It was fun to celebrate their special day.
Soccer has begun. Ella had her first game
on her Birthday. She scored 2 goals!!
This is Ella's second year playing soccer.
She really enjoys it, and she is really good at it.
Ella was the STAR of the week.
We made this poster to share some fun qualities about Ella.
Grandma & Ella sewed a dress together.
Ella LOVES her soft new dress.
Abby is really enjoing 6th grade.
One of her first assignments was an archaeology dig.
Abby choose 6 small items that describe her.
(basketball, flip flop, San Fran trolley, books,
electronics, picnic basket for hikes)
They switched boxes at school and had to uncover facts
and try to guess who each box belonged to.
Kate had to write about a favorite family
tradition. She choose our tradition of traveling.
Lucy and I love doing Ms Mommy projects together.
Lucy wanted to make a poster like Ella.
She wrote Lucy all by herself.
Dan & Ashley had their baby.
Warner James Derrick.
He is adorable.
We took them dinner, and went to meet
Warner. The girls loved
playing with their cousins.

The girls love to walk home from school together.