Happy 7th Birthday Abby!
Abby wanted to have a "girls only" sports
Birthday party with her school friends.
We attached a tennis ball to each invitation!

First Base: Outdoor sports (basketball, soccer, Frisbee, bat mitten)

Second Base: Pencil and Paper games

Third Base: Pizza and Soccer Cake
Dad and Abby decorated the soccer cake!
It turned out really cute with oreos and black and white frosting.

Home Plate: presents
Abby has so many cute friends!
We had a lot of fun planning her party together.
The best part of all:

The Talk, Warp, Play IPOD.
The girls had so much fun taking turns singing and
talking into the ipod and playing it back!
They were laughing SO hard!
I love the sports idea, I might have to steal that one sometime. Very cute party. Tell J he did a great job on the soccer cake! Abby 7th birthday Abby -- you look so happy surrounded by your friends.