The Rock
For 2 summers, 1997 and 1998, exactly 6 months of my life, I was a camp counselor at Brighton Girls Camp. My camp name was Lucky. Months of camp fires, singing, hiking, brownie hunts and most of all building lasting friendships with a hundred or so campers and the awesome Brighton staff. I always tell my daughters that working at Brighton Camp was my "mission." I learned so much while serving for 2 years here! This weekend we made our way back to the top of the mountains to good old Brighton Camp. A place of so many memories. It was WONDERFUL to see so many old friends, and to show my own
girls what Brighton Girls Camp is all about.

My good friend Cricket aka Erika Young Schwitzer.
We met at Brighton Camp 15 years ago, and then lived near
each other in Provo and spent many of
our single years partying and having so much fun together!
SO many fun memories!

Here we are back at Brighton 15 years later, in 2011 with our
wonderful husbands,
and each of our 4 kids!
Jason and Abby are both 8
Anne and Kate are both 6 (almost)
Eliza and Ella are both 3 (only 2 weeks apart)
Lucy and Lucy are our babies
They are such a great family!!!

Love our Abby Jane.
She was so dissapointed they wouldn't let her on the zip line.
I was sad too! I love the zipline!

James, Ella and Lucy making their way to Hernia Hill,
passing the Craft Shack!

I LOVED being able to show my girls this beautiful place!

Forget Me Not
One of the cabins I lived in with my friend Avalanche!
(This cabin seemed to have the most mice....yucky!)

This is where we had our flag ceremony each morning
and where we held devotionals!

Lucy loved riding in the backpack.
The coolest part...the rear-view mirror...
so the babe is always in view (yes, both babes)!

Ella making herself at home on the bunk beds!

Kate enjoying all of the gorgeous wild flowers!
(There were a ton!)

Each year there is a different theme.
Our theme in '97 was Take That Step,
encouraging Faith and Courage!
This is our pole with our signatures!

Mike and Lucy (8 mos) & James and Lucy (5 mos).
I love that we both have a Lucy!!!

Inside the teepee!
The Schwitzer and The Derrick kids!

The fireplace in the mess hall where we use to stand and sing!

Cricket and Lucky
On the wall, we are pointing to our
names that we painted in Knotty Pine.

We continue to joke about "Naughty Pine" although it is really
Knotty Pine. Here is my man as this infamous place!
This is also where I was living when the nice juicy rat was in my bed!
Famous for many reasons!
After our adventure we found a picnic table and had dinner with
our good friends the Schwitzer's!
It was so fun to see them again!

I love that Mike put Lucy in the cooler around his neck.
She was as happy as could be!

Too much fun for one!