Derrick Family Reunion
Before we got on the rafts,
the red ants and mosquito's were eating us alive!
Action shot of Abby getting rid of the bugs.
Here she is taking her own picture.
an OLD CHURCH converted into
a vacation rental. We had never slept in a church before.
The kids thought it was like a Scooby Doo Episode.
The coolest part, the chapel was a huge theater game room.
It had a giant projector, 12 couches, pool table,
ping pong table, and all the kids slept in their together.
There were 7 bedrooms for all of the adults and spouses.
If only all churches could be this fun!
Gertrude, the headless ghost.
We had fun moving this around,
into showers, peoples bedrooms etc.
It made the guys scream like little girls!
where Mommy Allo grew up.
It was fun to see her hometown.
The kids LOVED it!
But with only one key,
they got locked out more than once!
We started the tradition of Secret Cousins.
I love to get matchings for all of the cousins.
We gave all of the boys Zhu, Zhu pets,
and matching flip flops for the girls! 12 pairs!
They each draw and a name and give
presents to their secret cousin every day.
At the end of the vacation, they reveal who they each had!
Your girls certainly look like their cousins! How fun to have so many kids to play with!