Ella Elizabeth Derrick
Born Thursday September 13, 2007
7 lbs. 9 oz

Ella was our all natural baby!
No epidural. She was worth every labor pain, and every contraction!

Our beautiful Ella Elizabeth!

Two very excited sisters peeking in her crib,
and loving her all day long!

Proud big sister Abby, age 4.

Proud big sister Kate, age 2.
Crazy girls!

Our family in 2007, right before Ella was born!

Our family after Ella was born.

Ella is sweet, polite, and gives the most genuine compliments.
She loves to dance, and is very graceful.
She loves to have her hair done 5 X a day.
She loves to wear dresses, but not "old lady" dresses.
She is fun and outgoing and makes a friend wherever she goes.
She love to paint, and to wear the color pink.
Her favorite books are Piggie Pie, and Click Clack Moo.
She is fast on her scooter, and loves to swim.
We love our Ella! We are so glad she is ours!
Happy birthday Ella! We hope it was a great day!