Party like it is summertime!
Sunday, we went to Grammy & Pap J's. We celebrated
Kari, Kate and Ella's Birthdays.
Kari, Kate and Ella's Birthdays.
as well as The Loving Family Motor home.
Both girls were VERY excited!

He is GREAT at so many things, including cake designing and decorating (a hidden talent).
I come up with the ideas, bake the cakes etc, and he makes it happen!
The rest of the week included the family night school BBQ, ward party with
Hot Rods and Hot Dogs, and
LOTS of play dates.
(I think Kate had a friend over
to play everyday after school.)
and went and ate lunch with Abby
at school on the lawn.
Abby's favorite!
Saturday night, neighborhood get together in friends backyard.
The kids loved roasting hotdogs and making smores.
Nice job on the cake!