Lucy Grace9 Months Old

Eating snow for the first time!

Lucy LOVES her Daddy!

Dad & husband of the year for how many nights he has
slept on the couch holding this little baby!
Favorite Song: This Little Piggy
Favorite Book: Goodnight Gorilla
Nicknames: Lulu, Loosey Goosey, Lu, JJ (for James Jr since she looks so much like her Dad)
Personality: Lucy is our little light. She always has a smile on her face. She is a very happy baby. She is very easy going and very patient.
Games: Lucy loves peek a boo, Binky Race (I tease her as if I am going to put the Binky in my mouth)
Tricks: She can crawl (FAST!), she can crawl up and down stairs with me nearby. She takes her own Binky out of her mouth when it is time to nurse or to eat. She can wave bye bye. She loves to give five. She likes to pull herself up to a standing position. Lucy can dance!!! One of her favorite things is to crawl to her pink toy table, pull herself up and turn on the music and DANCE. She can really shake it!
Bedtime: She prefers to read books, sing and then for me to put her down. She reminds me a lot of Kate this way. She doesn't want to snuggle. She wants to be put in bed and to fall asleep on her own! She doesn't need me! ;(
Routine:8:00 Wake up (milk) & play with sisters
9:00 Breakfast (pancakes or waffles & fruit) & morning bath
10:00-11:30 Nap
12:00 Lunch & play
2:00 -3:30 Nap
4:00 Milk and ride in the car while we take girls to their lessons
6:00 Dinner & nightime bath
7:30 Milk, books and & bedtime
We love you loosey caboosey!