Monday, March 1, 2010

Baths, Baths, and More Baths for Ella

Ella loves baths.
Saturday night Kate was taking a bath in the girls bathroom. Ella was taking a bath in our bathroom, and Abby was taking a shower in our shower. All 3 girls were in separate places. Before we knew it, Ella was out of the tub and in the shower with Abby. When Abby finished. Ella dried off, and then ran to get in the other tub with Kate. If anyone is in a shower or a bath, Ella undresses and joins right in. 6 baths for Ella yesterday. 4 baths for Ella today. She should be the cleanest girl in the world!

1 comment:

  1. That is so funny- Jack seems to do the same thing. If either of us in the bath or shower, here comes Jack to join in the fun!
