Humanitarian Night
Our wonderful committee!As a committee we cut out 75 school bags and put
them into kits with a pattern and Velcro.
Then the sisters in our ward took the kits home and sewed them.
We completed 75 as a ward. Amazing!
We hung them around the gym so everyone could
celebrate all of the service that was given.

We tied and bound 3 large quilts.

We collected over $200 in money and
provided over 300 goods to assemble hygiene baskets to give to the local Women's Shelter.

My basement was the gathering spot for all of the goods.
My girls loved helping buy and sort all of the items into categories.

We filled 23 baskets with 30 personal hygiene items in each
(full size shampoo, bath towel, brush, comb etc).
This was a huge undertaking!!! It feels so good to be apart of something so big and so good.
I am so grateful for so many generous people...for their time in this service.
It has been an inspiring past 6 weeks as we have been cutting fabric, sewing, and collecting all of these items.
I have been in the Relief Society Presidency for nearly 2 years.
After each big activity that we plan,
there is a feeling of happiness and relief!
Thank you to everyone who helped with this night,
and made it so great! You are wonderful!