March 16, 2011
Lucy is 1 month old...
Lucy is 1 month old...
- She is a very calm baby. She is really easy to soothe and responds well to being held.
- She is already holding her head up really well.
- Lucy loves baths! Kate loves to hold her, and is the first to tell me when she needs a bath (everyday in Kate's mind).
- She does a really cute talk kind of cry, to get attention. It is adorable.
- She has a fussy time of night. It is around 6:00-11:00. It varies every night, but thank goodness J is home so we can pass her back and forth!
- She loves her binky!
- She loves riding in the car and usually falls asleep (this is huge since we spend a lot of time taxing the older girls around)!
Lucy has a game we love to play with her. If you ask her,
"Lucy, where is your tongue? She sticks her tongue out!"
We love you little Lucy!
Have I told you lately that I LOVE your family!! Sweet Lucy is the perfect addition. I love the pics of the girls with Lucy, So sweet!! You are wondermom!!