Ella is into everything! Gum, paints, lotion and anything messy! Yesterday she opened the fridge and got out a full 32 oz container of Gatorade. She also got out a 6 oz cup from which to drink. She then poured every last drop of Gatorade into her tiny cup. I walked in as it was spreading in all directions across the hardwood floor. She took the smallest sip and decided she had enough, and then attempted to pour the Gatorade back into its original container. I was left with a sticky mess! Fun traits about Ella: She calls pink, green. She wants everything green (which is code for pink). She can climb out of her crib, but waits for us. "Mom," she yells every morning. Why not Dad? We're still working on that one! She loves fruit!!! We call her our fruit monster. Raspberries, strawberries, grapefruit.....there isn't a fruit she doesn't love. She loves everything Princess. "I'm a Princess," she says. She also has a passion for dogs. Daisy (Grammy's dog) and "Ruffy" her stuffed dog from Build-A-Bear (Thank you Grammy and Papa J) are her two favorites! Now if we could just get the dogs to lick up all of her messes!
The gatorade story is the BEST! LOVE IT. HA :)