Ella's Lipstick Birthday!
(Age 3 going on 16)

Ella is a girly girl! So when she decided she wanted a lipstick Birthday party...
well everything came together naturally!.

First, we went to get Ella's hair done. She chose her favorite
pink car and movie to watch!

Second, we went to the nail salon!
Pedicures and manicures!

Kate was happy to join in the fun!

For Ella's special Birthday lunch, she wanted to go to lunch with Dad!
We went to The Spaghetti Factory, and Ella loved eating on the trolley!

Next, present time!
Ella loved all of her presents!

After school we had a Birthday party with cousins John and Will.
We played games, rode bikes and....

enjoyed a doughnut tower!

Tonight we had an extended family party at the park!

The kids loved having time to play, and play some more!

Finally, we ended the night with Ella's lipstick cake,
complete with 3 sticks of lipstick...

and more presents!

Ella, we hope you had a wonderful Birthday!
We love your confident energy!
We are so glad that you are apart of our family!
(Now go back and count how many times Ella
changed her clothes today!
No wonder I can't keep up on the laundry!)
I am so glad my girls aren't the only ones to change their clothes so much. At least she looks cute. My girls alternate between pajamas, dress ups, and clothes that I thought I had given to D.I.! Happy Birthday, Ella!