The Last Pregnancy Pictures

For weeks leading up to Lucy's birth, I had dreams about labor.
I dreamt my water broke (several times). I had nightmares I had to have a c-section last minute. I even had a dream that she came so fast that no one was there to catch her, and she dropped on the floor! All of these dreams made me quite fearful of the actual birth!
I had my last doctor's appointment on Tuesday, February 15. That very morning, 8 hours earlier, Dr Macy had a patient deliver a baby in her car right outside the ER room at LDS Hospital. Her story was similar to my birth experience with Ella, only I made it into the hospital with just 8 minutes to spare. The patient had been to the hospital Monday night (Valentine's Day), and the hospital turned her away because she was "too early" compared to her due date, (again the same experience we had with Ella's birth). Thank you to this poor woman, who gave birth in her car, Dr Macy was determined to admit me to the hospital the next morning, so that I could avoid a similar emergency. Thank you Dr. Macy!!!
One last hug before we headed to the hospital.
We woke up really early Wednesday, February 16. We got to the hospital around 7:30 am. I had never been induced, so I wasn't sure what to expect. By 8:00, I had an IV, and a potossin
drip. At about 8:30, we heard a lot of distressed screaming in the room next to us. Yet another woman, almost delivered in the car. She was there only 6 minutes when she gave birth. This distressed screaming brought back so many memories of Ella's birth. At that moment....I had no doubt I was in the right place, making the right decision to be induced!
By 9:45 I had my epidural. Actually two epidurals. The first try, the anesthesiologist completed the procedure, only to find out that he had hit a vein (he said it happens 1 out of 100 times). Lucky me! So, they had to repeat the procedure a second time!
Dr. Macy broke my water. No pain at all!
At 1:30 I started to get really uncomfortable! They tell you that you can press the epidural button, 2 times in an hour for more medicine. 15 minutes later I had used up my two additional medicine doses. I called for the nurse. She was helping to deliver a baby in another room, and took 30 minutes to come to my rescue. At 2:00, I was in even more pain. I was dilated to a 5, but could feel too much! The anesthesiologist came in 3 more times over the next half hour, giving me more medicine every time (I still can't figure out why I needed so much medicine, however after Ella's birth, I knew I wanted whatever medicine it took to numb me up).

3 contractions and pushes, and she was born at 2:45 pm.

(Dr Macy and nurse Toni.)
Proud Dad!
Lucy was the 8th baby born on February 16, out of 12 total. A very busy day (full moon and the day a storm was coming in), so we got to stay in the delivery room until 5:00. We didn't call anyone, it was just the 3 of us. Lucy and I were skin to skin! Immediate love!
Very sweet and tender moments!
We are so grateful for baby Lucy! She has such a calm and peaceful influence!
We are so grateful and excited to add her to our family!
We love you Lucy Love!
Congrats Lori! I'm glad you didn't have this baby in your car like the poor lady mentioned in your story!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like everything went perfect! Congratulations again! Lucy is beautiful!