Saturday, February 12, 2011


It happens with every pregnancy....a burst of nesting energy.
Today I found myself with endless cleaning energy.

- Cleaned all 6 bathrooms
- Cleaned interior and exterior of my car
- Swept/mopped all tile and hardwood
- Vacuumed, main level and upstairs
- Washed, folded, and put away 7 loads of laundry
- Organized mud room
- Cleaned out the fridge and freezer
- Cleaned out the pantry
- Made Valentines with the girls

By the end of the day, I was hoping I would go into labor, but took a bath and slept very well instead!!! If only the house could stay clean, now that it is spotless!


  1. Will you please come to my house?!!

  2. I totally know how you feel! Good Work! I've been trying to clean out/organize at least one cubbard or closet a day.
