Abby's 2nd Grade Class
Today Abby's school class put on a wonderful program for all of the Mom's and the Dad's.
All of the songs talked about Mom's and Dad's.
It was such a sweet tribute. They did a slideshow, and had lots of speaking parts and even
art surprises (drew pictures of us, made flowers for us, wore hats and took them off to us).
At the end they served us cake!

Mrs. Thompson is an incredible teacher!!!

I have loved being the head room parent in Abby's class this year.
I helped the kids surprise Mrs. Thompson with flowers, a picture frame with all of their signatures and a picture of the class, as well as a huge Costco pack of M&M's (her favorite treat).
Abby has a sweet group of friends her age.

We love our Abby Jane!
She has LOVED 2nd Grade.
She is excited to go to school each morning,
and has really grown this year!
Her favorite memories from this year:
popcorn Friday's, being known as the Second Grader who checked out the most books from the library this year, rock unit, spelling and recess.
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